
"It must be spring"!

The air is still chilly, very! I am busy reading something to the the tick-tock of my Cuckoo clock in the back ground

I want to focus on what I am doing but mind drifts and how can it not? Did I not hear that bird tweet outside just a few moments ago? Letting go of my book, as I try to focus my attention on the sounds outside, I want that clock to stop it's tick tock, almost wanting for time to freeze, wanting to hear that bird again, singing heralding spring - the bird seems to say, it is almost there hang on! 

Just a couple of days ago, on a warmer day much against my wishes, kids insist on bringing their swing to the patio. They are growing up for when I refuse them with a "I have too much going on to worry about the furniture outside just for this one warm day" cajoling them to at least wait for the official start of spring, they come up with "But mom, we can do it" and they do do it. I am left wondering as to when did they grow up so much!

Now as I continue to hear the chirp chirp, I am only glad the swing is out. I take a blanket, my book, a warm cup of coffee and head out to the swing thanking my kids silently. Unable to focus on the book, all I can see is the clear blue skies, the sparrows of course every where perhaps looking for a spot for that next nest and the two red cardinals playing, chasing one another with joy from tree to tree with a blue jay silently perched watching them or so I think. Oh what a joy it is for me and I thank the Universe for giving me those moments! 

As I drive my daughter home, the twilight is breath taking. Knowing me, she draws my attention to the colors and all I can see is the sheer beauty in those tress reaching up to the sky, drawing in the beauty of the sky and dancing in joy with their out stretched arms. As I continue to look for patterns, I realize as much as I love the ever changing sky, it is the tress with those 'Oh I am so ready to come back to life' branches that delight me the most. They seem to add character to the ever changing colors of the sky.

As I get out still needing a jacket and some gloves on, to the yard to take a look, I hear the sound. Oh that soothing sound of a plane taking a ride. A pilot out there sure sees the bright beautiful day and wants to fly and why not? The hibernation was too much for anyone seeking blue skies and adventures. I watch the plane till it disappears in to the distance wondering where it might be headed!

As I run after a long gap in the still 'oh so chilly' weather with a mild breeze, I cannot help but search for the birds that are tweeting here and there. The persistence with which they cry out reminds me of that Punxsutawney Phil and his prediction for 6 more weeks of winter, back then in early February. More winter or not, we are ready for spring and so is the worldaround. I feel it in every step I take, in every sound I hear.

Looking through my kitchen window, catching that contrail right in time as the plane weaved it's way through the clouds, I am tempted to open it. I could let some fresh air to enter the warmth of my house. I shiver at the cold breeze that comes through the window but it is soon forgotten and replaced by delight as I listen to the dogs barking, children squealing and a smile spreads automatically and the heart beats with joy singing "It must be spring"!

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