First, I want to explain that the terms “White magick” and “Black magick” are just labels that are used to help designate what people would believe to be universally “good” and “bad” in most situations. Though, as one would expect, what’s “good” and “bad” depends on the situation.
The idea of ‘black magic’ is pretty much the same, though you could characterize it as ‘destructive lying to effect change’ in that respect you could characterize the Fox News Channel as a black magic operation, as it projects as false reality to those under its spell to manipulate others for profit and power. Make no mistake, to people who fall prey to such black magic, their world is as different from reality as if they thought that the sky was shifting between purple and green.
If people believe that they can fall victim to a supernatural attack, then it’s possible to make them believe that they are under a supernatural attack, simply by making them turn their minds on themselves. It doesn’t matter that all supernatural things are complete bollocks and fantasy.
On a more benign level, if you talk to a friend who is down for various reasons and make them feel better without actually changing those things that have brought them low, that’s the same process as magic, though magic is really the utilization of those techniques, performed at will.
There are all kinds of books on magick, but the ideas are often so densely packed into metaphors designed to create a required psychodrama, that they are not readily understandable to those who don’t plunge into it with both feet.
Amusingly though, some of the best and thinnest metaphors that accurately describe magic and its limitations can be found in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books. In those, the world runs on magic and narrative and there is the eighth color in their light spectrum, Octarine, the color of magic, that only wizards, witches, and others of a magical disposition can see. Magic is simply seeing the world in a particular light.
Witches wear big, black pointy hats. Everyone knows that, so big, black pointy hats confer witchiness on the wearer and that does half of their work. That’s hematology.
It’s also a common observation that the more that you know about magic and its dangers, the less inclined you are to want to use it, with some pondering that there are surely better, safer ways that involve ropes, gears, and pulleys, to get things done.
Indirectly yes, but where is this real black magic master who can do real magic?
We should all understand that most people answering such questions or calling themselves witches or black magic priests are either fake or fraud or hallucinating, they just copied their answers from the net without knowing what the hell they are talking about.
This is my previous answer to a similar question about black magic you can read it if you which.
The people whom they deny black magic why don't they put themselves under a black magic spell and let us see what would they say then, well most people if not all claiming to be black magic priests or voodoo experts or witches are either fraud or fake or mentally disabled maybe that's why many humans nowadays don't believe in it but if you could ever found one of the real ones, it is very hard to find them anyway but I'm saying in case you found one of those genuine spiritual masters then you would know how real and evil could be the actions of black magic.
Taking the results of the double-slit experiment and phenomena where observer collapses the wave function of the particle, coupled with great interpretations by Neil Bohr as well as many other prominent Nobel prize laureates and winners ( not to say because they are prominent it is true, but to say they know more than I do when they talk about physics because it is their area of expertise and they happen to be the best at it ) - can we consider the following: ( and this point yet to be unanimously refuted!), that reality is not present until it is measured.? This concept can be at least entertained or simply considered plausible no matter how weak we think the argument is.
In my mind, if we can not predict where the electron will be at any given point of time, yet we can observe a very solid and stable world/universe that obeys the rules of classical physics and thermodynamics on a macro-scale, we can also at least consider that there are natural forces at play that make our world as we know it and they work in a very “spooky at the distance “ and bizarre kinda way that we can not explain, nor can we predict, and when we measure we get different results for the same phenomena?
For example, prayer can be studied to measure a specific outcome. If one assumes that a simple measurement may collapse the function of a particle, this argument can be extended that simple observation of the prayer and its effect may collapse the behavior or outcome of such prayer. That by itself can serve as a premise that we may be facing a challenge measuring the unknown force because we use tools that produce two different outcomes ( Schrodinger thought experiment and many others). And so the question is can a prayer work but differently or can it work if we don’t measure?
If you believe then, answer is yes… if you don't then answer is no…
If you believe Then I can show you a genuine black magic specialist in Hyderabad Swamy Ramanandaji
Thanks For sharingn this wonderful post. These occult science is very rare now a days. Glad you brought them here in this post. I wish this might be helpful for further reading.