
There are times

There are times when you just
Seem to fly as my heart leaps.
Of course some of those not so best
Times you crawled to make me weep.

There were those longer waits where
counted stars as long as I could,
Waiting for that call, in order to share
Small nothings, Oh! It felt so good.

But then there are a fewer occasions
Which remain frozen forever in heart.
Like a stab in the eye, they blur the vision.
I can't even cry, neither will they part.

But then you kept moving always,
Taking all of us along with you.
Like a doll tied to a cart, we sway,
But behaving as if we run the show.

I thought of you as a merciless beast,
But I now accept that you are indeed
Merciful to a few, who find you at least
A welcome company and end in peace.

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