
Vedic Wisdom - How it changed over the period?

From the history books we know that Vedas and subsequently Upnishads were conceived and recorded thousands of years ago by our saints and sages though it is difficult to date them. The same is the case with Ramayana and Mahabharata. But what a great collection of wisdom indeed!!

It must be the sum and the substance of their experiences and observations through the years they lived.

People who came after them added their own and the process continued. There was little or no doubt and in case of any, the same was settled through meaningful civilized debates which were called Sashtrartha.

One thing, however, has changed- meaningful civilized debates. In the olden days, the rulers patronized and respected the religious heads, the Brahmins. They were known for their knowledge and understanding of religious texts and traditions and therefore respected by all not only in their own country but outside also. This was also because they were apolitical.

In spite of this, they could not stop the division in society. Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism were founded by the breakaway groups from Hinduism.

Present day discourse is likely to do more damage. The meaningful civilized debates have been overrun by an abusive culture. Religious preachers are divided into political lines. Some are in Government like Yogi Adityanath and Sakshi Maharaj and others are clamoring for lucrative posts. Political leaders are trying to show holier than though attitudes.

It is difficult for me to say if our present day spiritual Gurus like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Sad Guru or any other has added anything to the wisdom of our yesteryear saints and sages or not but, most certainly they have not been in a position to stay away from the controversy of political nature by supporting this or that political set up.

People are losing faith not only in them but also in whatever right or wrong interpretation they do of our religious texts. They do get huge crowds, some motivated, some mesmerized and some mobilized.

Now we live in a scientific age which largely believes in things visible to open eyes. Anything that does not meet the eye, does not exist. There are questions to be answered and the quest is on the rails. Intellectual class, by their logical upbringing, is not much impressed by spiritual talks and writings.

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